Thursday, December 4, 2008
One of Ten
Yesterday, I completed the first of my ten achievements. I completed 130 quests in Howling Fjord. And now that achievements are integrated pretty seamlessly into the game, I find it less of a grind to do all the quests. Certainly easier than going back to all the Outland Zones and getting those achievements. But now, after I complete these last three or four quests in Fjord, I move onto Borean Tundra. I've already done thirty five or so quests in there. This game is shaping up to be really fun. I have enjoyed pretty much all of my time in Fjord. Well, as much as you enjoy WoW. It is certainly a different feeling of enjoyment versus a good match of Call of Duty 4

Thursday, November 13, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
I have things to say
I want to talk about things I did. As if I would really do anything else here. So, as of now, Wrath of the Lich King comes out in four days. And, for some reason that fact doesn't really deter me from getting phat letwz. I ran Heroic MgT and Zul Aman today. Both runs were very good. Only one wipe for the MgT run and two for the Zul Aman run. I also picked up come good ret stuff that I'll use in the expansion. I'm afraid that I'll lose my entire life when this thing comes out. I've also been running aournd getting various achievement. My goal is to get about one achievement a day. I'd say I'm doing a pretty good at it. The achievements are very easy to get.

I'm thinking of leveling my druid. What a time, right? four days before it comes out and I want to start up a new guy. Well, he's not new. In fact, he's the oldest character I have. Level 40 and hes been in exsistence for about 4 years. That's a long time.

I'm thinking of leveling my druid. What a time, right? four days before it comes out and I want to start up a new guy. Well, he's not new. In fact, he's the oldest character I have. Level 40 and hes been in exsistence for about 4 years. That's a long time.
Wrath of the Lich King,
Zul' Aman
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Raids and stuff
Okay, so I went raiding the other night. We put together a nice little group and headed out to Gruul's Lair to go kill him. We get in there and guess what? He died. On the first try. So I got my achievement and went out. We weren't ready to dissolve this great group so we headed over to Hellfire Peninsula and headed into Magtheridon's Lair. And guess what? Another one shot. It was miraculous. I don't think I have ever seen a PUG one shot Magtheridon. On the other hand, I've only been into Magtheridon's Lair 3 times. But we then went and downed Doomwalker in Shadowmoon valley in one shot. I didn't get any loot out of the ordeal, but I was okay with that. Just raiding is a lot of fun. I did get a nice achievement from killing Gruul though.

Speaking of achievements, I've been focusing on trying to get the Ambassador achievement. I've ranked up my Ironforge and my Darnassus reputation to exalted and I only have Gnomeregean Exiles left to get up. The problem I have with this is that I've done all the direct Gnomeregean quests already. Or at least most of them. I should head out to Burning Flats and check that I've done all of them there. If I remember correctly, the majority of the population there is Gnomish. But I did get my 5 exalted reputations today. They are right now: Shattered Sun Offensive, Ironforge, Exodar, Darnassus and Stormwind. I think I know how to rank up my Gnomeregean and Argent Dawn rep, which is doing Scholomance. I think I may need to repec however, going again back to retribution. I've done a lot of respecing ever since patch 3.0.

I also recently got my well read achievement. This achievement is basically read about 30 books that all contain lore. This entailed getting the skeleton key as well and going into Scholomance to read a book. That was all fun and dandy. This also ties into something I did outside of WoW, which was read a book! Yes, today I finished The Last Guardian. The book basically detailed Medivh opening The Dark Portal and letting the orcs spill into the world of Azeroth. And about it being revealed that Medivh was possessed by Sargeras. Medivh's mother, Aegywn, battled with Sargeras and killed the physical manifestation of him, but his soul went into her and possessed Medivh when he was born. It was a fantastic book. It is also disgusting how engrossing the World of Warcraft story really is. I mean, when I had to go get my Well Read achievement, I actually read all the books, not simply clicking through them. And I have to say that there are lots of things wrong with the universe of Warcraft. I wonder what the whole thing is called, because Outland technically isn't Azeroth. It's actually sort of sad how I'm looking forward to the expansion because I want to know where to story leads to.

Monday, October 27, 2008
Zul'Jin Down!
Zul'Jin did go down yesterday. I hooked up with a 4 chest group and we went and raped Zul' Aman. It was a lot of fun. I think though that if I had a dedicated raiding team that had been determined to bring him down and been stuck on him for several months, this kill would have been worth more to me. As it is, I saw him and killed him.

Now, Akoris has been running around doing all the low level quests. I just finished up Dun Mourgh and right now I've got most of the quests in Loch Modan. All these quests and achievements have really made me realized that I haven't done anything in this game. I think after I raise my rep to exalted with Ironforge, I might just go and buy lots of cloth from the AH and give it to the Gnomeregon reps in Ironforge for easy reputation. I've also realized the need I have to complete the raids. I need to raid Kara(ha), Gruuls(ha), TK, Serpenshrine, Hyjal, Black Temple and Sunwell. I've basically only cleared Mags and ZA. It's not cool, at least in terms of game progression. I did manage to get all old world instances under my belt. Now I have most of the old world raids. I think with a competent 10 man, we could easily clear Blackwing Lair, Zul Gruub, MC and all other raids. It's just a matter of doing them.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Zombie Attack!
This is probably old news to everyone, but an in-game event started two days ago. Zombies invaded the world of Azeroth. Suspicious crates showed up in Booty Bay and if one were to loot them, they would get a de-buff that, if not cured by someone in 10 minutes, you die and become a zombie. As a zombie, you get special zombie powers. One is where you explode and it does an AoE spell and everyone around you gets the debuff.This might sound really cool, but I don't really like it. I don't want to be having to fight off zombies as I try and run around and do quests. It's not really hard for Akoris to dodge them, as he has a flying mount and all, but someone like Mordenial, its not going to happen. He'll just die.
So, Akoris finally got off his ass and finished Magister's Terrace. How come whenever I go in there, it turns into such a disater? People leave, its too hard, blah balh blah. We had the tank and a DPS leave when we got to Kael'Thas. I was able to round up two guildies, Eldwor and Volan, to come help me out.
I really love this guild. We were a serious raiding guild, but everyone is friends here. There really isn't any drama. And I can almost always recruit people to go and do random shit with me. We had 4 or 5 people come with me on a PuG Magtheridon run. I lead that fucking run. No one there knew the fight very well and so I ran it. I had been there once before, ironically on a pug, and so I sorta knew the fight and therefore, I was the one explaining what was going to happen, fielding questions and calling out for the clickers to click. After we got everything sorted out, the run went well. I forgot that if the ceiling collapses, it doesn't reset the box timers, so on a run, the ceiling collapsed, not a lot of people died, but we were all scattered so much that we couldn't click the boxes in time and there was a wipe. But, in the next attempt, we minded the timers, and it so happened, we got him through 32% with like 45 seconds left, so we DPSd through it. Fun was had. I almost got a 20 slot bag. I rolled a 99/100 on it and I convinced that I had it. Nope. It was ninjad by a 100/100 roll. Complete and utter bull shit. I was so angry.
I went into Zul Aman two days ago. I really enjoyed it. Our group was way OP and so we raced through all the bosses and killed everything very efficiently. I healed the most, as usual. We got stopped by the Hex Lord, which bummed me out a little. I wanted a full clear on my first time through. But, I'll put a group together again and really fuck the shit out of that place. Lols and ggs will be had.

So, I have been telling my self that I should level Mordenial. But, I can't get myself to do it. I need to get his herbalism up to a level that matches the zone. Dustwallow Marsh is a high level zone, so I need to run around and pick a shit load of herbs to get it up to that high. Doing that is a major buzz kill, but I'm sure that I will regret not having done it. Going back as a 70 to all these low level zones will be even worse. Wow. I started off this post not knowing what to say.

So, Akoris finally got off his ass and finished Magister's Terrace. How come whenever I go in there, it turns into such a disater? People leave, its too hard, blah balh blah. We had the tank and a DPS leave when we got to Kael'Thas. I was able to round up two guildies, Eldwor and Volan, to come help me out.

I really love this guild. We were a serious raiding guild, but everyone is friends here. There really isn't any drama. And I can almost always recruit people to go and do random shit with me. We had 4 or 5 people come with me on a PuG Magtheridon run. I lead that fucking run. No one there knew the fight very well and so I ran it. I had been there once before, ironically on a pug, and so I sorta knew the fight and therefore, I was the one explaining what was going to happen, fielding questions and calling out for the clickers to click. After we got everything sorted out, the run went well. I forgot that if the ceiling collapses, it doesn't reset the box timers, so on a run, the ceiling collapsed, not a lot of people died, but we were all scattered so much that we couldn't click the boxes in time and there was a wipe. But, in the next attempt, we minded the timers, and it so happened, we got him through 32% with like 45 seconds left, so we DPSd through it. Fun was had. I almost got a 20 slot bag. I rolled a 99/100 on it and I convinced that I had it. Nope. It was ninjad by a 100/100 roll. Complete and utter bull shit. I was so angry.

I went into Zul Aman two days ago. I really enjoyed it. Our group was way OP and so we raced through all the bosses and killed everything very efficiently. I healed the most, as usual. We got stopped by the Hex Lord, which bummed me out a little. I wanted a full clear on my first time through. But, I'll put a group together again and really fuck the shit out of that place. Lols and ggs will be had.

So, I have been telling my self that I should level Mordenial. But, I can't get myself to do it. I need to get his herbalism up to a level that matches the zone. Dustwallow Marsh is a high level zone, so I need to run around and pick a shit load of herbs to get it up to that high. Doing that is a major buzz kill, but I'm sure that I will regret not having done it. Going back as a 70 to all these low level zones will be even worse. Wow. I started off this post not knowing what to say.
World Events,
Zul' Aman
First Post!
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